Here is my fake "Grocery Store".
Each row is organized by lightest to heaviest (in general).
Each column is organized by groups AND in lightest to heaviest (again, in general).
Words in brackets denote amounts whether in approximate or specific.
The legend for the colour-coding is obviously on the top of this blog:
Note that my shop's racks are screwed up,
but since this mart is imaginary, that is
Weight Mart (the name of my store)
Pc Paper Cups |
| Ol Olives |
Kl Kleenex | Pa Pasta |
| Or Orange | Su Sugar | Sh Swiss Cheese | On Onions |
Pp Paper Plates | Ce Cereal |
| Ap Apple | So Sodas (Approx 500 mL) | Cc Che- ddar Cheese | Gb Green beans |
Pt Paper Towels | Sb Sandw- Ich bread | Fc Frozen Chicken
Wings | Ke Ketchup | Te Tea | Ju Juices | Cm Cake mix | Ba Banana | Cr Cream (500 mL) | Mo Mozza- rrela | Le Lettuce |
Bp Baking Powder | Fb French Bread | Fp Frozen Pork | Mu Mustard | Co Coffee | Ko Koolaid | Mm Muffin Mix | Av Ava- cado | Ch Cheesecake | Bu Butter | Cn Corn |
Tp Toilet Paper | Pb Pita Bread | Fd Frozen Dinner Beef | Sj Straw- Berry jam (2L) | To Tortillas | Ap Apple pie | Pm Pan- cake mix | Lj Lemon Jam | Sc Sour Cream (2L) | Mi Milk (4L) | Br Broccoli |
Deter- gent | Ri Rice (in packs) | Pe Peanut Butter |
Where is the data table for you elements lab?
ReplyDeleteAlso looking for heating curve and fair testing?